Posted on November 09 2016
The idea of creating books from children's drawings is such a great one - when did you come up with the concept?
My children and their creativity were the main inspiration behind Doodle Nest. Our kitchen walls and drawers were overflowing with their artwork. I wanted to preserve all their adorable creations but the clutter was taking over the house so I set out to find a clever solution to retain and store all their work, and that's how the idea of transforming their art into beautiful bespoke coffee table books was born. The books are not only a lovely way to treasure these sweet memories, they also give children's art and creativity more importance. The children are filled with pride when they see that they've been published in their very own coffee table book. It's really wonderful to be a part of that.
What was the hardest obstacle you found to turning your idea into reality, and how did you overcome it?
The hardest obstacle was gathering the confidence at the beginning to go for it and start a business from scratch. I approached my close friend Constanza who I admire and respect greatly and she was immediately excited by the idea. We decided to do it together and it has been an amazing and positive adventure ever since.
Who first thought up the name? And did you have trouble settling on it or did it immediately feeling like it encapsulated your brand?
Two years ago Constanza and I were driving back from a meeting brainstorming about possible names for our new business venture. We wanted to come up with something that represented the act of cherishing and treasuring children's art. We started with the word doodle because we thought it was cute, catchy and child like. We also felt it wouldn't intimidate people because anyone can doodle. Then we came up with nest. We loved that it symbolised a place where birds lay their eggs to protect and shelter their young. It immediately felt right.
What is next for the company?
Doodle Nest is growing so fast and Constanza and I cant wait to see what the in store for us. We currently ship to several countries around the world and we are hoping to expand and set up other Doodle Nest offices abroad in the near future. Watch this space.
And then the quick-fire round...
- Beach barbecue or Sunday roast? Beach Barbeque (I was born in the tropics)
- TV dinner or breakfast in bed? Breakfast in bed. Always.
- Champagne or mulled wine? Neither. Red wine.
- Christmas decorations - tacky or tasteful? I love Christmas and everything that goes with it.
- Pick your present or prefer a surprise? Surprise.
- Brisk walk or perusing the papers? Walk.
- Early bird or night owl? Sadly I'm completely nocturnal. Mornings are a struggle.
- Christmas pudding: love or hate? Hmmm. Now I have to say love because of my answer to question 4 but ...
- JOMO (joy of missing out) or FOMO (fear of missing out)? JOMO for sure. Luckily my husband suffers from major FOMO, otherwise we would never get out.
- All you want for Christmas is…..? A healthy baby. We are having our fourth in April. I can't wait.
About Doodlenest
Out of the attic. Into the home.
Transform your children's art into beautiful bespoke coffee table books.
The process couldn't be easier. Simply order a box on their website. Fill it with all your favourite pieces and send it back to them. The team professionally photograph, edit and layout your design for approval before printing and sending you your finished book.